There is a solar eclipse and a Chironian full moon waiting for us in October options. The last explosion of the year will be the Mercury-Sun rupture at 10 degrees Libra on Wednesday, October 2. Mars will have a hard contact with this eclipse. The search for balance in these unchanging romantic relationships or business partnerships may increase. The desire for freedom and fairness in relationships may increase. There may be deterioration in relationships, communication changes or innovations. The search for more open, honest and fair communication may increase. It may be the beginning of new or collaborations.
There is a solar eclipse and a Chironian full moon waiting for us in October options. The last explosion of the year will be the Mercury-Sun rupture at 10 degrees Libra on Wednesday, October 2. Mars will have a hard contact with this eclipse. The search for balance in these unchanging romantic relationships or business partnerships may increase. The desire for freedom and fairness in relationships may increase. There may be deterioration in relationships, communication changes or innovations. The search for more open, honest and fair communication may increase. It may be the beginning of new or collaborations.
On Thursday, October 17, there will be a Chironian full moon in Aries. Mars in Cancer will have a hard contact with the full moon and its effect will last for 10 days. This full moon is a time when we need to be hasty, enthusiastic, and solve everything comprehensively. In theory, we try to implement everything that remains into our lives one by one. We can act primitive and impulsive from time to time, their clumsiness may not leave us alone. We can talk about people and exhibit selfish attitudes and actions ourselves. The main hero of this full moon is Chiron; It means the recovery of the wounded and is an asteroid related to health. It tells us about a mental or physical injury and the healing and recovery that comes after. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful about head and face sports during these full moon times. In the best case, whatever upsets us spiritually and internally, we can move this full moon to get rid of all our burdens and lighten up.
Aries and Rising Aries, new partnerships may come to the agenda, especially in the business field. New agreements, collaborations, contracts may turn into important agenda items. Some of you may have solutions regarding your marriages or partnerships, but you may also have difficulty making decisions. On the other hand, in this case, unbalanced or unfair packages may be terminated or their components may lead to their termination. Problems in relationships may become more noticeable. There may be tensions in communication, rapid tension of nerves, and arguments. It is possible to manage communication carefully in relationships and family flights.
Taurus and Rising Taurus, Your health and care problems attract your attention. You may make an effort to address your health problems or take more care of your health. It can also be an incentive to review your health routines and make healthier lifestyle choices. There may be developments regarding job changes, promotion opportunities or new projects during this period. The eclipse may emphasize changing the arrangements in your daily life or increasing productivity. It may be a period for a more effective work order or healthy growth.
Gemini and Rising Gemini , You will want to enjoy life more and try to make more room for your hobbies with processes that bring dimension and happiness. You can take new steps regarding love, occupation and affairs of the heart. Maybe you can learn new hobbies or get education on a subject you love since you are in Mercury. Or it offers new information about stock market-investment instruments. The communication dynamics of private life accelerate and you start to be in more communication with the person you can use together. If there is no one, you may want to research many people during this period. But be careful not to be indecisive.
Cancer and Rising Cancer, You may need to spend money on your expenses related to home, family and real estate. You can do research on house prices, car prices, land and plot prices. If you have plans such as moving, changing places, you can organize them. Just be careful not to give them space when it can lead to communication conflicts within the family. Maybe you can also start regular maintenance, repair, work, you can buy security, digital, electronic things for your home. Since Mars traveling in your sign will have a hard contact with this eclipse; The need to balance your personal goals and needs with family and home responsibilities may be marked. It can create a sense of conflict between the inner and outer houses. You may have difficulty in balancing your own family and the payments of your families.
Leo and Rising Leo, New agreements, projects, digital works, education, advertising, etc. may come to the agenda. It allows you to act by making measurements, weighing and thinking, especially about exams, education, commercial issues, and the internet. Important ideas that Mercury is involved in may come to your mind. An unexpected but exciting trip may come to the agenda. New projects may come to the agenda for the promotion of the internet and digital. You can start a new education. For Mars to have a hard contact with this eclipse; You may be in an inner conflict and separation and you may reflect this to your close circle, friends, neighbors. It is necessary to try to express your feelings and thoughts in a calmer tone and try to burn bridges. You should pay attention to your digestive system and stomach, especially in terms of health.
Virgo and Rising Virgo, Financial issues and sense of value will be your main agenda items. Since Mercury is involved, you can do research on financial issues, agreements and contracts may come to the agenda, and you can travel for financial issues. You can buy the electronic and digital devices you need during this period. Or you can invest in digital issues. However, financial issues may become a stress point in your friendships during this period. It may be much better to lend money or not to engage in any money exchange with your friends. Making quick, impulsive and sudden decisions regarding financial issues may lead you to make mistakes. The digital and electronic, technological items you own may break down. You may spend more money than necessary to socialize.
Libra and Libra Ascendant, You will read, learn and gain more knowledge. You may sign very important agreements and contracts. Digital works, technology-related works and projects may come to the agenda. You may start an education that will perhaps change your life or you may go on a trip. You may focus on works such as sales, marketing and advertising. You may develop commercial relations. However, with the harsh contact of Mars, you should be careful about possible tensions in family relationships during this period. There may be accidents at home, digital-technological devices breaking down, and tensions that may arise due to gossip. Maybe it would be good not to make hasty decisions on both real estate and family issues during this period, and to give yourself some time to think.
Scorpio and Scorpio Ascendant, Your focus will be on your mental health, things going on behind your back, and issues related to abroad. Since Mercury is involved, you can learn about subconscious, spiritual issues, and psychology during this period, do research, and attend trainings and seminars. In addition, there may be many people talking behind your back. Be very careful about what you sign during this period, do not accept anything without reading it very carefully. Serious stress may arise in communication issues, and problems may occur with the electronic devices you use. You can handle your affairs related to abroad during this period. You may question yourself a lot during this period, and you may be in the middle of situations where you cannot express yourself well. Your mind may also be quite creative during this period, and you may produce many ideas.
Sagittarius and Ascendant Sagittarius, Friendships, social relations, social issues, group work will be the main topic of this eclipse. Since Mercury is involved, communication will come to the forefront in social relations. With your words and advice, you can become someone whose opinion is asked and listened to in relations. Again, you can meet new people during this period and include them in your life. Joint business projects may come to the agenda with your friends. You may need to coordinate communication in associations or organizations. However, due to the hard contact of Mars, it is necessary to be careful about the language of communication between friends, some crises may occur. It is useful not to get into debt, receivables-payables issues during this period.
Capricorn and Ascendant Capricorn, You may need to deal with new collaborations, work and projects that need to be done jointly. New job opportunities may come to the agenda. Since Mercury is involved; you can learn a lot of new information in professional terms, important agreements and contracts may come to the agenda, you may need to deal with joint business projects. You may need to go on a professional trip or attend a training. However, with the hard contact of Mars, tense and stressful situations may arise in relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. You should be calm when communicating or expressing your ideas about these issues, and avoid making sudden decisions. Serious communication tension, verbal attacks, and hurtful conversations may come to the fore. Some collaborations and contracts may end.
Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant, Your focus this period may be abroad, trainings, exams, foreigners, questioning life, and legal issues. Since Mercury is involved, you may participate in new trainings, organize trips, make commercial agreements, question life a lot, attend important seminars, get caught up in your purpose of coming to life, and focus on your dreams. If there is news you are waiting for abroad, it will come to you positively. Pay attention to your health and diet during this period with the hard contact of Mars. You may be in a process that is more open to diseases. Pay attention to the language of communication with your colleagues, very tense, impulsive conversations may lead to sad results. It is also useful not to make quick and impulsive decisions in matters related to abroad, correspondence, and commercial matters. There may be momentary tension-creating situations and delays during travel.
Pisces and Pisces Rising, You may have important agendas regarding financial matters, credit needs, borrowing and investment-related matters. Since Mercury is involved, it may be necessary to do research, gain knowledge, make contracts and travel on these matters. You are in a period where you need to act wisely regarding financial matters. However, being indecisive can especially make things difficult for you. With the hard contact of Mars, you should not make hasty and impulsive decisions in your private life, matters related to children and matters related to investments. You should remain calm in these matters and even pay attention to your communication language. Sudden decisions or harsh communication language can cause you to lose money or cause serious tensions in relationships.