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Türkiye'nin İlk ve Tek Cruise Temalı Seyahat Dergisi



As of the end of August, Mercury, which was retrograde in Virgo, has ended its retrograde movement and started to give us some breathing space, and we are waiting for another active, fervent and full month. During this month, we will experience Mars and Venus changing signs, the new moon with Saturn's hard contact in Virgo and the Neptunian lunar eclipse in Pisces.


On Wednesday, 4 September, Mars will change signs and move into Cancer and will stay in this sign until 4 November. The area where we conflict the most can be our family and our mother. Disagreements with neighbours and communication problems may occur. The masculine, warrior energy of Mars does not do justice to the Cancer sign placement in question, so we may react more emotionally oriented instead of being direct. Internally, we may experience emotional confusion, depression, anxiety, emotional issues may become more tiring and overwhelming.


On Monday, 9 September, Mercury will change its sign and move into Virgo and will continue this journey until 26 September. During this period, we can act mentally more detailed, more planned and programmed. We can identify the issues that need to be organised and roll up our sleeves to put them into practice in a concrete way. From time to time, we may tire and overwhelm ourselves with excessive details. We may adopt a critical identity and become perfectionists. During this period, it will be beneficial to sign, make decisions and put them into practice and accelerate all kinds of communication activities.


On Tuesday, 3 September, Saturn will have a hard contact with the new moon that will occur in Virgo. From time to time, we may experience restrictions or some obstacles from authority figures. During the new moon period, it is an ideal time to plan, prioritise and review the details. Decisions taken during this period are made through the filter of logic and are decisions made with knowledge. We can take new steps in terms of work and career, start new projects or find the motivation to progress in existing projects. In terms of health, intestinal problems and immune system problems may occur.


On Wednesday, 18 September, a lunar eclipse with Neptunian effect will occur in Pisces. Jupiter will also have a hard contact with this eclipse, which has an effect period of one month. We may want to retreat a little more into our own shell, we may feel our need for solitude increase. It may be a period when we need to settle our balance of giving and receiving, and we need to shape the balances in our lives. We can focus on both our mental and physical health. Issues that affect us emotionally, wound us, hurt us may come to light. We may be absent-minded and forgetful. We should have a plan B in our pocket against the possibility that the dynamics of our lives may change at any time.


Aries and Rising Aries may want to act in a certain order and system in their work environment. They may complete unfinished work and act in a perfectionist manner. They may feel irritable and may give sudden emotional reactions. Situations that they cannot control or foresee may arise in their lives, especially avoiding risks is not a suitable time to take financial risks. During this eclipse, they may need to provide important help and support to someone from their close circle or a friend. Their feelings may become stronger and they may be interested in dreams and subconscious matters.


Taurus and Rising Taurus, the need for liberation may also manifest itself in their private lives. They may want to get away from responsibilities and live spontaneously. They may act excited and impatient and make sudden decisions. They may take risks blindly without making an accounting and without foreseeing the end. During this period when social relations, friendships and dreams gain importance, the inner and sensitive energy of Pisces, combined with Neptune's mystical and dreamy characteristics, points to deep emotional experiences, creativity and spiritual growth. During this period, friends and social environment can play a significant role in their lives. They may strengthen their ties with their friends, establish closer relationships or work on new projects together.


Gemini and Rising Gemini may come up with interesting and surprising issues in matters such as family, home and settlement. Unexpected tensions and arguments may occur. Their moods may be moody and anxious. They may find themselves in responsibilities they do not want. Important issues related to career, social status, goals and their image in the society may come to the agenda. They may want to explore new paths in their careers, adopt a more creative approach or change their current career path completely. It may bring the opportunity to work with more people or help others in their career. They may need to balance between realism and wishful thinking. They may have difficulty seeing clearly what they want to do or where they want to go.


Cancer and Rising Cancer can be tired of their meticulousness and excessive attention to detail in their business life. They may want everything to proceed in a very orderly and moulded way. They may experience stressful days with unnecessary worry and anxiety. They may experience important themes related to spiritual growth, beliefs, higher education, travelling and spiritual matters. They may show more interest in spiritual matters. During this period, they may tend to examine themselves more deeply and review their personal beliefs. They may want to travel to foreign countries or get to know different cultures. They may show more interest in religious or philosophical subjects. They may cross paths with an idea, an ideal, a philosophy, a belief that they can devote themselves to. During this period, there may be developments related to legal issues or they may need to take a decision on a legal matter.


Although Leo and Rising Leo may gain surprise, unaccounted financial gains, they can use the money to cover another deficit. They can proceed meticulously in matters that require calculation. They can act frugally and avoid unnecessary expenditures. They may experience important changes and expansions in emotional and spiritual areas. They may overestimate some investments, some friends, some projects unnecessarily. They may risk their money with unrealistic, fantasy projects and investments. They may become vulnerable to being deceived about inheritance or joint income. Some of their friends and associates may disappoint them. In terms of health, it is a period when they should be especially cautious against poisoning and infectious diseases.


Virgo and Rising Virgo may want to have new experiences and excitements in their lives. They may constantly change their decisions and may not be able to act consistently. From time to time, they may feel anger that they cannot control. They may develop more understanding and sensitivity in their relationships. In some cases, their uncertainties and misconceptions in relationships may be revealed, which may indicate the need to put their relationships on a more solid foundation. During this period, themes of sacrifice and self-sacrifice may become important in relationships. They may be more understanding and helpful towards their partners or close relationships. However, it is also important to maintain boundaries and find a healthy balance in relationships. They may have too many blind spots in relationships and partnerships. It may not be a productive period in terms of establishing a partnership.


Libra and Rising Libra can be very sceptical and sceptical in their inner world. They can listen to themselves more and magnify small problems in their eyes. Their need to be alone may increase. Changes and developments may occur in their work and working conditions, they may work overtime and work more. Therefore, it is useful to pay attention to their health, especially their feet, ankles and thighs. They may start diet or sports, they may want to get counselling from a health expert. They may receive good support in reprogramming their lives and taking initiatives to improve their quality of life. They can start yoga, go to a specialised dietician. They may seek more flexibility, creativity and intuitive understanding in their routines and work life. This may give them a desire to break out of monotony and do their work in a more creative and inspiring way.


Scorpio and Rising Scorpio can be more selective in friendship and friendship relationships. They may pay attention to the people they communicate with and the environments they enter. They may act critically and attract lightning on themselves. Issues related to love and children may come to the agenda. Power and power struggle in private relationships can put them in a difficult situation from time to time, and those who are thinking of having a child can work. It is useful to be careful against surprise expenses in financial terms. During this period, there may be an expansion and deepening in creative expression and artistic activities. They can do inspiring and intuitive work in art, music, writing or other creative fields. In matters of love and romance, it may bring more imagination, romance and idealisation in emotional relationships, but it may be quite difficult to balance between reality and illusions in relationships during this period.


Sagittarius and Rising Sagittarius can shine in their careers with their ideas and the projects they produce and attract attention. They may act impetuously and want the matters they have laboured for to be finalised as soon as possible. They can realise their targeted career plans step by step. Home, family, relocation, moving, renovation, real estate purchase-sale issues are at the forefront. It may be a period when they may have difficulty in making decisions on issues such as changing their homes, moving or reorganising their home environment. Plumbing problems may occur in their homes or offices. They will experience a suitable time to reorganise their homes, paint, change the shape and appearance of the house, buy new items and furniture for their homes. They will receive supportive influences on all the areas of their lives that they want to organise, on all the issues they want to put themselves in order.


Capricorn and Rising Capricorn can allocate their expenses to education and courses. They can go on business trips that they deem necessary and that will benefit them. They can establish overseas contacts and open business doors. They can carry out projects and sign agreements with international companies. Unexpected, surprise and sudden travels may come to the agenda, but it is useful for them to pay attention especially to delays and loss of belongings. They may experience confusion and absent-mindedness. They may have a website built, may want to engage in e-commerce, and may need to be actively involved in all kinds of communication channels. Important issues related to their siblings and close relatives may come to the agenda. Moving, relocation, renovation, home-related issues may be among the issues they need to deal with. During this period, they may experience uncertainties and illusions in their communication styles and ways of thinking. It is useful for them to be extra careful when making decisions and signing something.


Aquarius and rising Aquarius may not be able to intervene in the flow of their lives and may have to manage crises from time to time. Surprise income as well as surprise unforeseen payments may come up. Financial issues may come to the fore. They may need to re-evaluate their budgets and determine their expense-income balance well. They can work to obtain new doors of earning. During this period, there may be uncertainties and illusions in financial matters. Uncertainties may create confusion from time to time when making financial decisions and investments. Unexpected unaccounted expenditures may be in question. They may try to strike a balance between their private lives and financial matters.


Pisces and Rising Pisces may want to make changes in their physical appearance. They may experience developments in matters concerning their health. In addition, stressful situations may occur with their partners, partners or the person they are married to. They may witness especially surprising and unexpected sudden developments in their homes and families. They may experience significant changes in the way they express themselves and may fall into misjudgements and misconceptions about themselves. Their intuition may become stronger and they may be more involved in spiritual matters. They may feel as if they are walking on a foggy road from time to time and may even feel lost. It may be good to get professional support during this period. It will be appropriate to make decisions in family matters, not to make hasty decisions on issues such as changing places, buying and selling houses. It will be beneficial to examine and think everything to the finest detail.


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